As an artist, I often find myself creating works in two polar categories. One being environmentally and contemporary driven collage work, where I strive to have viewers closely examine the piece and become engaged. I use my voice as an artist to raise attention toward current events within my work. There is a beautiful quote from the late Nina Simone which greatly expresses my belief of being an artist. “It’s an artist’s duty to reflect the times” .

     The second category is centered on painting and printmaking. I use negative space, typography and modules to form works with a sense of unity, while exploring color and abstraction. In recent years, I have begun to merge my passion of collage, painting, and printmaking into a cohesive style of mixed media. I am constantly pushing myself to explore new materials as well as application processes. I don’t believe there is a singular way to approach a new medium, and find excitement in creating work that resembles that process.

Growing up in rural New Hampshire, I was quickly drawn into the natural world. As a child I spent my days running free through my parents large, densely forested property with my three siblings. My passion for the environment was sparked at a young age, and has become more and more implemented into my artwork as I grow as an artist. I am currenlty living in Western North Carolina where I teach high school art, and continue to produce work in my at home studio.

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